Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What a Weekend

This is the e-mail my girlfriend's dad (fellow rider) sent me after seeing our antics at Windham.... Sammy, So, UCI dh World Cup (finals, no less) comes to the east coast, Windham Mt.. A chance in a life-time. Right? Proper track, great weather, nice digs. Where were the hoards of high black sock/Five Ten/flat brim wearin', dh east coasters? Thank god Nicolas Vouilloz (The Almighty) wasn't there to see the lack of insanity. Europe anyone? But, wait. To fill the road gap and more... Enter the Drummer Racing Band of Gypsies. A jammin' 110 decible boom box, vuvuzela, whistle keepin' the flow, Old Glory on a stick and a rag-tag bunch degenerates (or dh'ers, hard to tell) letting the crowd know what's up. (Want some, get some, bad enough, ......) On their way down the mountain, they gave the crowd a reminder of how a dh crowd should misbehave. Good form boys! Thanks for the effort. Old Man