So while I am all excited about all the snow lately and the skiing I found out last night that either my bad weather driving skills need some work or my Subaru is not all it's cracked up to be. I got all dressed up and headed out to my company's fancy Christmas party last night only to lose control of the car about a mile from home. Oh yeah, went around a corner doing at most 20mph when the car started to slide (drift?? :) and I proceeded to lose control and shoot off the road in to a ditch. The good news?? I missed the telephone pole, trees and large rocks by inches all around and both me and the car are perfectly fine! A wonderful policeman came to my rescue as well as 20 neighbors - these people are definitely not the stereotypical Massholes, thankfully. I got towed out, went home and sat on the couch watching SNL reruns with a few drinks . . . that was my christmas party. Be careful driving out there!!!!