- This post season has ruled. Plattekill stayed open for freeriding until December 6th. The final weekend was awesome made some tweaks to the Fox RC4 and my Boxxer. Made the bike ride much more like my hardtail.
- Thanksgiving resulted in giant pumptrack sesion at Doug's house. With massive xc loops on Drummer.
- Riding this far into the winter makes for a more shorter winter. In mid march of this year the Demo's first saw Drummer.
- Had two consecutive weekends of Snow on Saturday followed by dirt on Sunday. Big ups to Lenny for the demo of a Santa Cruz Nickle on a cold cold day somewhere in New England.
- Massive XC Loops will continue into the New Year on Drummer Hill. Monday the 26th was Epic on all accounts with a pretty heavy crew.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Post Season
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
2011 Season Highlights!
- Racing wise, Oliver and Zach led the way. Zach made a major dent in qualifying at the 2011 U.S. Open, then found himself placing 31/50 in the finals. http://diablofreeridepark.com/images/pdf/2011DHFINAL.pdf
- Oliver managed to put down a 12th place qualifier at National Champs against a talented Pro field, but couldn't keep it together on Sunday. http://www.vitalmtb.com/news/news/2011-USA-National-Championships-Downhill-Qualification-Results,355. Last winter Oliver adventured through South America as a bike guide. This winter Oliver is undertaking a more serious challenge as he is part of a 4 person coed team that plans to row across the Atlantic, hike numerous mountain ranges then hop on road bikes all in the name of charity for Epoch Expiditions. http://www.facebook.com/EpochExpeditions
- Zach and Oli also placed 10th and 8th respectively less than a second apart at Gravity East Race #5 @http://gravityeastseries.com/Sugarbush.pdf , on a track that had gone mad and from moon dust to slop overnight.
- Doug did well racing on home turn in NH and placed 3rd in the NH States Champs decided by races held at Attitash and Pats Peak. Doug was also bitten by the pumptrack bug and its infectious skills are already evident in his DH riding.
- Colman Lamb in his first full season got a crash course in racing DH and passed taking Cat 2 junior VT State Champs with him and numerous other podiums along the way. 2012 Prediction: Colman will be beating Doug next year on the regular by solid margins.
- As a team it was great an awesome to witness Sammy's achievement to be riding downhill about 4 months after massive trauma to his lower leg and ankle while practicing at the Pro GRT @ Highland MTB. Sam will be spending his winter in New Zealand making up for lost time. 2012 Sam will be on it.
- Drummer Racing finished the year strong at the Eastern States Cup Finals @ Plattekill as Meredith and I both took 2nd for the series cat 1 19 29. Mer was only off the win by 2 seconds with a fall. Go Meredith!I had a wreck in my run also and placed 5th, 5 seconds off 2nd place. Not bad but cost me some box and that was the story for 2011 as crashes and mechanicals kept me off pace.
- The team would like to thank Specialized Bikes - Andy's Cycle for the 2011 Demo 8 . We all loved the bike and it did everything we asked and never whimpered
- 661/Sunline/One Industries for providing functional gear that works and keeps riders safe and in control.
- We would especially like to thanks resident racing orthodontist and team member Doug Wilson for helping with the jerseys and making the team look better than ever for 2011.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
National Champs! Holding it down for the east coast
Friday, September 16, 2011
Rallying the old school peeps.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
2011 Whiteface 5k
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sugarbush GES / Killington GES

Monday, July 18, 2011
MT Snow VT Finalsand Attitash
- These two mountains have really stepped up to the ESC plate this year and each delivered a great race track. It is nice to get such great racing on fun courses. MT Snow really did a good job on this last one. High speed slick rock to 75% woods and tons of real dirt, lots of fun corners and some other shit.
- Mt Snow continues to step their game up to close out the VT State Champs. With a track the was described by Phil Kmetz as a "mini saint anne" half of this was fresh stuff combined with previous parts from earlier 2011 events. Mt Snow has made serious effort the past 2 or 3 years and they are gaining on the competition
- Colman took the VT State Title for junior sport racer and Meredith took 2nd VT State for cat 1. Congrats
- Results http://usacycling.org/results/?permit=2011-1847
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
July 4th Plattekill Race Report
- This weekend's race was both a celebration of Independence Day and a memorial for Stephen Porraro, who passed away of a heart attack much too young. Although I'm too new to the sport to have known Steve, it was good to get out there and show support to his friends and brother, as well as to a community he was deeply ingrained in.
- It was said that Stephen was crucial in cutting trails on the double chair side of the mountain, and I was not disappointed. Saturday showed us tons of sunshine and dry conditions on a track that was steep and super loose, with some chutes and lots of open slope to woods turns lower down. It was hard to resist cranking out runs through the jungle.
- Eric and crew kept in Platty tradition with an impressive fireworks show, and rumor has it Lauren Daney shot one of the Syron boys in the mouth with a large firework. Not sure.
- Sunday we woke up to rain, which had everyone hopping to test the track under the new conditions. Some of us found ourselves in the huge lightning cloud that rolled in, which delayed practice and left the track a combination of splash, slick and sticky by afternoon. The thunder rolled out just long enough to get everyone through race runs, although few people can claim crashless finishes. Jack with 3:03, Zach with a 3:14, and Meredith with a 4:41.
- Drummer Racing managed the weekend relatively injury-free, but with Cat 2 riders stepping it up to the more challenging track and the general gnar of Splatterkill Hill, a few ambulances were spotted on the access road. Our stongest healing vibes go out to those injured, with wishes for speedy recoveries.
- Huge, enormous thanks to the guys of Generation Gap Racing for the use of their spare EZ-Up tent all weekend. We're neither sunburned nor soaked as a result and are truly grateful for the generosity.
- July promises another Mount Snow, another Plattekill and a much anticipated Killington race as the Eastern States Cup Series continues. Until then, drying & cleaning soggy gear.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Busy Week
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Attitash ESC #3 NH State Finals
Thursday, June 9, 2011
ESC #2 Pats Peak / NH Stats Champs #1

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Eastern States Cup #1 @ Mt Snow Results

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
2011 US Open

Monday, May 23, 2011
Pro Grt #3 PLattekiLL
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
BV Laps - Tons of XC - Platty Pro GRT
Monday, May 16, 2011
Highland Pro GRT recap - tough weekend for Drummer Racing
- Real tough for a first race, I was certainly battling the cobwebs this first weekend dealing with general riding confidence issues and feeling like a passenger on my bike. Add many spectators, photographers and a stacked 65 person pro class of the best national riders around for a very challenging weekend. Then add pissing rain all Saturday night and downpours all Sunday to top it off. I finally took a knarley over the bars wreck in a wet rock garden late Saturday afternoon - it wasn't until this that I actually got it together and started riding better. Due to course closes and changing weather it took right up until Sunday am before seeding run for me to get my lines together. Took seeding as a serious practice run riding smooth and consistent by my standards with no pedaling in order to save it for the race. By the time race run came around it was nearing 3pm and freezing with constant hard rain. This certainly was a hit to many racers moral, many of which simply wanted to get it over with. I had a decent run, kept it upright, a couple costly mistakes killing my speed in the flats and blew my beet off the pedals in a rock garden. Indifferent emotions for my 45th place with a time of 2:50. Had I eliminated a couple crucial botches, 5 or 6 seconds faster would have seen me around 30th place. Can't get too aggravated as I left the weekend void of injury and mechanicals and managed to keep it upright for both seeding and the race. On we go to Plattekill for the next Progurt, Looking forward to this a ton as all team members except for Sammy will be in attendance for an excellent course at a mountain we all love. Hoping to enter this race with far more comfort, confidence and a refreshed sense of focus.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Race Season Arrived
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Drummer Invitational Race - Official Results Are In!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Best Dirt On Earth
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Racing Starts
- In case you haven't heard the annual Drummer Race will be held in 1 week on April 30.
- Sam currently holds the Voodoo, John Westland (Ford Motors) holds the gold guy and Zach is still hangin with J.C.
- Here are results from past races https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AvqUf5gLmq6sdDFOV0lTLWlQdV94Vm1kdXFtSkxhX3c&hl=en#gid=0
- Race Courses t.b.a. soon... Zach and Sam's trail is in for sure, other candidates include jump, threader, clay corners, maybe powerlines or double drop.
- May 14 is the 2nd Round of the Pro GRT at Highland Mountain Bike Park then the 3rd Round at Plattekill leading into the U.S. Open. June features the Eastern States Cup at Mt Snow and the NH State Champs @ Attitash and Pats Peak.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
2011 Set Up
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Oliver's Final South American Entry. "The best 4 weeks of my life."
I leave for Argentina – a new country to check off my list. It has rained a ton recently in Peru – in fact it has rained so much that on the morning of my departure an eighth mile section of road about one mile out of town (the only road into my town) has completely fallen 50 feet down into the river below; it no longer exists. Glad I was not on it at the time. Got a nice routine going - make it to Cusco, hit up the market for some new flip flops, hit up my favorite Indian Buffet, then off to the Indigo Lounge for pisco happy hour drinks before my 9:30 bus to La Paz, Bolivia..... and more.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
2011 Season Update March 18th
Monday, February 28, 2011
Truely the most epic 2 weeks of my life to round out my 24 years. La Paz, Bolivia - 4 day bike/treck to Machu Pichu. I'm off to Argentina
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
6 Weeks left of this junk
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Snowboarding the Windham World Cup Course
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Superbowl Sundays are different in Peru, move into a closet, guide a great tour, I’m off on another adventure!
Whats goin on my US peoples – had a pretty interesting week down here and have another adventure rapidly approaching. Hope everyone enjoyed superbowl Sunday, I certainly did – but in a far different way than the past 3 or 4 years.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Winna Winna Chicken Dinna!!
Answer to Jack's Question
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Where'z Waldo??
Monday, February 7, 2011
You cannot match this pre-race ritual.
Oliver's Trip to Arequipa - Summit a 20,000 mountain. Hardest 24 hours of my life, I will never complain about a course being too flat again.
Hi everyone, its been a while – let me give you some updates. Since my last post I stayed sick with this damn cold that I can’t seem to kick; only really going yesterday/today. Yea so that went on a good week and a half – at least. Most of the days blended together as I was not riding, trying not to get others sick etc. Also bike is temporarily out of commission. Kept my act clean and didn’t go out drinking or anything for a long time.... but....
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Joining in the fun.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Powda Day!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Oliver discovers Cuzco: hardest hike a bike of my life, scale a knarley mountain (prefer biking)
Cuzco was very fun – Sam and I gathered our things and began to make some moves from Ollantay. Actually I didn’t gather anything, I pretty much got rid of everything. I headed to the city with simply the clothes on my back (white t and my vital mtb hoody) and a knife, and dumped everything out of my wallet except my drivers license. I did bring some pretty high expectations as I heard from everyone its very fun.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Small/Medium/Large from Brian Park on Vimeo.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Exceptional week for shredding + weather. Guided some awesome folks, your new resident DJ at the bars.
Que Pasa! Got a little catching up to do – great week, awesome weather, did some incredible riding and met some cool peeps.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
661, Sunline, and One Industries for 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Discover amazing trail, ride a Kona Roast. More cool people and late nights. Benoit skate boards 32 miles of downhill!
Saturday morning was a slow moving morning.
Stuck in biking paradise with no bike - drown my sorrows with cheap "pilsen" beers and jack daniels, also eat alot of ants
Thursday was another relaxed day, my soreness is healing and we did not have any tours.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Grande update - I drop Mega Avalanche course, hold it down for east coast, kick it with french canadian rappers
Hola ma peoples. Que Pasa, heres some ramblings on a few recent things.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 4 Peru - Riding one of the highest passes in the Andes, almost kill myself, spend the day hitch hiking with locals.
Click the title to read more - my browser automatically makes everything to do with this web site into &0% #@!% spanish.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Oliver gets to Peru - the land of shutteling. Preface, traveling and first day of riding
So a little preface to some entries I will start making: I have limited internet time so I have been keeping a little log of my activities almost for just a personal account of my experiences as it is easy for days here to just blend together – it’s all riding bikes. The team, family and friends have all wondered what I am up to so here you go, I will start to enter in some of the things I have jotted down – usually late at night when I am beat from riding and have had a bunch of beers. So if you want to read it click the titles for each entry I make to view the full post. Bear with me, if my ramblings are too long – which they most likely are, go back to facebook or whatever. However, you might find it interesting. I am sure this will all filter down to short posts once I have been here for a week or two, ridden all the spots and the whole thing becomes not so peculiar to me in comparison to my past lifestyle. Also it may take some time for me to get good at this and get pics up as my browser automatically puts everything to do with this website in spanish.